Inner Source Connection
Helping You Create a Healthy Relationship with Your Life
Unlock your potential for peace, contentment, joy, and happiness with our online classes and resources.

Discover the power of the mind-body connection and embark on a transformative journey towards peace.

I can not believe how much this site has truly transformed my life. The mind-body connection classes and resources have helped me get out of my own way. Now I understand what I am looking for and how I can get there.
Brent Thompson
Discover the Power
✓ Online Classes
✓ Resources
✓ Personal Development
Unlock Your Potential with Online Classes
Embark on a transformative journey towards peace, contentment, joy, and happiness with our comprehensive online classes and resources. Explore the mind-body connection, enhance your
Mind-Body Connection
Discover the profound connection between the mind and body, and learn how
Wellness and Mental Health
Nurture your well-being and prioritize your mental health with our wide range of
The Heart of Happiness
Explore principles to create Happiness as you consciously design your unique Joyride of Life. You will learn steps, specific to your journey, to help you purposely design the direction of your choices and growth.
- Online slideshow with audio guidance that will enhance your personal understanding
- Downloadable workbook with exercises, worksheets, and informational handouts